Navigating Asbestos Abatement: Your Questions, Answered.

What Is Asbestos And Why Is It Dangerous?

Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals that were once widely used in construction due to their strength, resistance to heat and chemicals, and insulating properties. However, when asbestos is disturbed, it can release tiny fibers that, if inhaled, can cause serious health problems including lung diseases and cancer

What should I do if I find asbestos in my home?

If you suspect there is asbestos in your home, avoid disturbing it and contact a professional asbestos abatement company. They can test the material and, if asbestos is present, safely remove or encapsulate it.

Is Asbestos Abatement Covered By Home Insurance?

Is asbestos abatement covered by home insurance? Asbestos abatement coverage is dependent on your specific insurance policy. While some policies may cover it following incidents like fire or storms, many don’t include asbestos abatement for standard home maintenance or remodeling.

What Are The Penalties For Not Following Asbestos Abatement Regulations?

Non-compliance with asbestos abatement regulations can result in severe repercussions, including fines and imprisonment. Contractors can also face legal action from exposed workers or building occupants due to improper abatement procedures.

Does Asbestos Abatement Increase Home Value?

While asbestos abatement might not increase your home’s value in the same way a renovation might, it does remove a potential obstacle to sale. Buyers are typically more interested in a home knowing that asbestos issues have been professionally addressed.

Can I remodel or renovate if my house has asbestos?

Yes, but you’ll need to have an asbestos inspection before beginning any remodeling or renovation work that might disturb asbestos-containing materials. If asbestos is present, abatement will need to occur before the project proceeds.